The Group

CLF is born from a long history of engagement “on the tracks”. A history that continues thanks to the will of the Dutch shareholder Strukton Rail that, strongly oriented to development and innovation provides “full service” solutions in the railway infrastructures, rail machinery and mobility systems in general.

The CLF group is composed by the group leader CLF and its subsidiary and affiliated companies:

  • UNIFERR (Alessandria),
  • S.I.F.EL (Spigno Monferrato in the province of Alessandria),
  • TES (Bologna).

CLF group performs works in Italy and abroad.


CLF S.p.A. and UNIFERR S.r.l. are specialized in the design, construction, maintenance and renewal of railway (including the high-speed ones), subway and tramway lines.

S.I.F.EL. SpA is specialized in the design, construction, installation and maintenance of electric traction systems for railway, tramway and subway infrastructures; railway signaling systems; telecommunication systems, electric energy distribution and lighting installations with low, medium and high voltage power, anti-intrusion and access control measures, security systems in railway tunnels.

TES S.r.l. is specialized in studying, researching and developing of technical and technological solutions for railway transports and infrastructure as well as in designing of railway stations and lines.