Notizie / Media

07 March 2019

FER PARMA – SUZZARA railway line renewal works started

FER PARMA – SUZZARA railway line renewal works started

At the end of January, works began on the renewal of the Lentigione-Parma railway section of the Parma-Suzzara FER line, which was interrupted following the floods of 12/12/2017, which led to the failure of the railway line between Lentigione and Sorbolo stations, with resulting damage and deterioration of the ballast and railway platform.


The works consist in the demolition of the old track, renewal with removal of the ballast and construction of the new embankment and the track with characteristics that comply with  the interoperability with the RFI lines.


The works, with a contractual duration of 150 days, should be completed by the end of April, with a reduction in contract time of around two months.